Friday, June 29, 2007

On going to the doctor

I know. two posts in one day. I couldn't decide what to post on and since I have full speed internet access I decided to do both.

This morning I went to the doctor for a physical.

Mom scheduled one for Laura and when she discovered that I was going to be covered under her health insurance scheduled one for me asked if I wanted to have one.

I figured that since I was going out of the country in July (at the time that's what I thought...the trip's been moved back until late October) I should make sure that I'm healthy first. Afterall, I hadn't had a physical in four years, just before I moved down to Charleston.

I'm praying that the insurance company won't drop me because I'm technically not a full time student at the moment but we'll see how that works out. I'm trusting God to provide.


I got there early. My appointment was for 9:30. I ended up arriving at 9:10 although I was shooting for quarter after.

I thought I might actually get out of there within a decent amount of time because the nurse took me back, took my weight and what not and finished her end of the process before 9:30.

Now all I had to do was wait for the doctor.

[Side note: because the office is affliated with the University some of the nursing faculty must work at the clinic during the summers or what not because I saw one of my professors there. I have to admit that I wasn't a particular fan of hers but I'm just thankful that she wasn't my nurse. :D]

I saw in that room reading the book I'd thankfully brought along with me for more than half an hour (probably closer to forty-five minutes) before the doctor came. She didn't actually do any of the examination stuff then. She simply asked me questions about family history and other such stuff. Then she left again.

I changed into the gown and waited.

When five minutes passed I got my book back out and read for another twenty minutes or so.

The doctor returned (just as I put a piece of graham cracker in my mouth by the, did the examinations, told me that I'm really healthy, to stay that way and I could go.

I spent an hour and a half of my day in that office just to find out what I already know...I'm healthy.

Well, at least I can count the blessing of health.

On road construction

A few weeks ago I noticed a sign warning everyone that traveled on my road (well, the one that my subdivision is off of) that one of the bridges would be out from 6/12 until 8/21 (or some date close to that).

When I first read that sign I groaned because I remember when the bridge at the other end of the road was out of commission.

I'd just started coming home that way from work and had to switch things up. Of course it wasn't that big of a deal but... I think you understand. Now, about two years later the bridge at the other end is out of the commission just when I started coming home that way from my teacher's assistant job (not now of course because school is out for the summer). Get the picture?

Well, once work started we had to change our routes a tiny bit. On a normal day we don't drive down that way on the road. When I needed to go to the library it was midly frustrating because it felt like I was going completely out of the way. I put up with it though because I knew that I would be gone for a little over three weeks of the time that they were scheduled to work on it.

I have to admit. It was kind of fun to be able to drive on the wrong side of the road in order to bypass the "bridge out" sign.

Unfortunately, my fun is over.

Get this. Two days ago my mom calls to tell me that the sign just beyond our subdivision was down but that the other one wasn't. We couldn't figure out what this meant. She told me that all the construction seemed to be gone from the bridge and that the bridge was paved.

Well, when I left a couple hours later for work I actually had to stop at the entrance to my subdivision to look for oncoming traffic on the bridge side of the road.

Here's what I can't figure out.

The first bridge that was out of commission for work actually took a month longer to finish than had been projected.

This bridge finished in under a month. Construction took barely two weeks to complete.

When have you ever heard of that?

Thursday, June 14, 2007

On graffiti

When my mother called me this morning I wasn't expecting the news that she told me.

Apparently this is the season for gang initiations. The fact that this happens in my hometown is surprising enough. Then comes the news that my church was a target.

The doors to the main auditorium and a pillar nearby were painted (to put it nicely). One of the pastors mentioned that it reminded him of his time in Chicago.

I don't know. Doing harm to another person's property...and a church at that...seems so foreign to wrong. Then mom called with more news. Two of the staff members had their front doors painted as well. She asked me to check our front door but thankfully nothing had been done.

This is the part where it gets scary. Whoever damaged the church did not randomly pick that church out of the three churches in the general area. Whoever damaged the church knew the addresses of at least two of the people who worked there.

My stomach sank at the news. Most likely...someone within the church acted as the perpetrator.

See, to me the idea of doing something like this is completely foreign like I mentioned before. I know that is because of the work that God is doing in my heart...the fact that I have grown up learning that things like that are wrong.

The person who did this? Well, if they were a part of my church then perhaps they grew up with the same knowledge.

Chew on that for a while.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

On high schoolers

One of the girls that I work with at my new job at Cool Beans is a high schooler. From looks alone I would have guessed that she was in college at least...especially since she had been working at Cool Beans for over a year.


If we had been in high school together we definitely would not have run in the same circles. Most likely she would not have considered me a worthy object to make friends with (not that I think that she's snobby or anything but I think you understand).

The past two days (the two days that I've worked with her) some friends have come in and talked to her (there are many...many slow spots during an evening). When this happens I try and busy myself with other work somewhere else in the restaurant so as not to seem obtrusive but of course I end up hearing their conversation.

Wow. Was I like that in high school? I keep thinking that I wasn't but I guess at some point I was to some extent.

Then I got to thinking. All this time I thought that I was of a similar age to her (older of course) but then I realized that I am six years older than she is. Wow. Yeah, it's at times like this I am very glad that I have a college degree and a plan so that I won't end up in a job like the two I have (not that they are bad or anything) for the rest of my life.

Hmm...that's all I have for today.

Monday, June 04, 2007

On the working of God

I failed to trust God this morning.

How do I know this?

Well, first of all and most obviously I almost broke down this morning when I realized/learned that one of my coworkers could have very easily taken the breakfast Paul called me in to take.

I didn't really want to work from seven until ten (I wasn't sure of my Cool Beans schedule yet).

Now we get to the part where God stepped in and opened my eyes to the obvious.

I checked my schedule at Cool Beans and I wasn't even scheduled to work tonight (obviously because I'm writing the entry at the time I would be working) and not just that but God arranged my Streetside delivery schedule so that I had two Spartanburg deliveries, came back to Greenville, took a lunch break and then picked up a mere two very close Greenville locaitons.

The end result?

I finished my Streetside duties in tiem to get home and work out and stillb e done in time to get over to Cool Beans.

I won't bore you with the details. I'll skip right to the good part.

My schedule won't always be like this but for today it was and I think I know why. For some reason (obviously unknown to me) God decided to work very plainly in my life today to put to rest all of my silly fears.