Katrina suggested a few questions to answer so I will use those questions as the framework for this entry.
Did you finish reading all the books on your fall reading list? If not, why not?
For once I did actually finish all of the books on my original list. In past challenges either the library did not have the book when I needed to read it or I became so disgusted with the book that I chose not to finish it. Neither of those situations happened this time. (Perhaps because I got my requests in early this time. :D)
Did you stick to your original goals or did you change your list as you went along?
I did stick to my original goals and as always had in mind the idea of adding more books later as I read them and after I read all of the books on my original list. I got a little nervous towards the beginning of December when I hadn't finished everything on my list but as my reposted list at the bottom of this post shows I was indeed able to add books not originally on the list.
What was your favorite book that you read this fall? Least favorite? Why?
I would have to say that my favorite book that I read this fall was Backwater by Joan Bauer. See the question below for more info. I have a couple least favorites. The first of which was A Separate Peace by John Knowles. The second was The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. I won't elaborate here on why I did not like them because I already did that in my review.
*Disclaimer* The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is a strikingly beautiful book. I just hated how it ended.
Did you discover a new author or genre this fall? Did you love them? Not love them?
I actually did discover a new author this fall... Joan Bauer. I wish that I had encountered her books when I was in junior high and high school. Granted, I still thoroughly enjoyed the two that I read this fall but they are so good that I wish I had discovered them earlier. Great books!
What was your favorite thing about the Fall Into Reading challenge?
For me personally, this reading challenge kept me reading during a semester of school when I probably would have let it fall by the wayside in favor of other projects and things. Having the list and the internal motivation to finish by yesterday kept me reading.
Would you like to participate in another challenge here this spring?
Most definitely. I love these reading challenges. My spring list though will probably be even shorter than this fall list. I have to focus on real life and my student teaching after all. :D
Books added after the contest started