Wednesday, January 24, 2007

On routine

I know that as a writer I shouldn't really like routine. Common notion would put a writer as a person who loves adventure and never doing the same thing twice in order to add to the mental ammuntion.

You know what I say to that? Hah!

I don't know if this goes for all writers but I love routine. My sister would probably say that I love it (and am driven by my schedule) a little too much. Be that as it may... the beginning of a new semester is difficult for me because I have to settle into a new routine and of all the semester to semester changes that I've had... this one is the biggest.

I brought up the topic though because I do believe that I have settled into a routine of sorts. I still have to give it a week or two more so that I can fit in a couple of new things (observation for Spanish Linguistics and an Easter production at my church) and get into the research and writing part of all of mhy papers.

I have a set way of doing things when I get home such as putting my bag down so that I can hang my jacket up right away and then close the blinds and etc. (I won't bore you with all of the pesky little details :D)

I think that having a routine helps me to remember little pesky mundane things that I would otherwise forget.

Now that I've said that I have to go and get started on my homework (specifically my character sketch).

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