Friday, November 30, 2007

On... Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis

While I've read the Chronicles of Narnia I have never read any non-fiction by Lewis. I've always been intrigued by this book... thus why I added it to my list of course. :D

Lewis utilizes all kinds of illustrations which put heady, complicated truths into easy to understand nuggets that the every day person can grab. Occasionally as I read along I had some aha moments and then again some moments where I understood the analogy or illustration but disagreed with the underlying point.

The above happened several times in the last chapter where Lewis uses the Theory of Evolution as an illustration. No where does he say that he does or does not believe in evolution. For me, though, the illustrations just weren't as poignant because I do not believe in evolution.

I found this book to be an interesting read. I suppose that I could have gleaned more from the book had I had the time to read the book much slower but still... I enjoyed the read.

1 comment:

Rebecca LuElla Miller said...

Thanks for the review. I may have started this one years ago, but I don't remember anything about it. I've heard enough about it, I think I need to make an extra effort to include it in my to be read pile. I checked out Miracles from my church library yesterday and started it today. So I guess I'll be doing a Lewis-fest! *grin*
