Saturday, September 08, 2007

On writing again

Many times in my life I have stated my desire to progress in my writing ability and to enhance my writing discipline, make it more of a habit.

Many more times that enthusiasm has faded to become only an ember pushed to the back burner of my priorities.

I have realized lately that once again I have fallen prey to that cycle and allowed many other things, much less important, become paramount.

I intented that this blog would be one of many methods in which I would practice my writing, push myself to create something new on a regular basis.

Unfortunately, the pace of postings up until the past week or so has been remarkably similar to that of other lulls.

I suppose I can take this as another lesson learned (one might be surprised at the number of lessons God teaches when one starts to look at things through that lense...but that is the subject for another post) and grow from it.

With my new schedule looming ahead I have made a concerted effort this week to train myself--altering my sleep schedule, making a to-do list and accomplishing it, determining priorities and etc. The more I look at my new schedule and the eventual changes as I gradually transition in and out of the school mode the more I realize all of the changes that accompany adulthood.

If I want to make wriitng a permanent part of my life I need to begin now and make certain that I create the habit of writing at least two or three times a week...something creative that is.

So, once again I make the declaration that this blog is to be a tool for me as I tone my writing as well as a tool in the creation of a new chapter in my life.

(If I had any readers besides one I might ask you to keep me accountable. oh well... ;) )


Eric said...

Faithful reader reporting for accountability duty!!=)

eva said...
