Friday, September 07, 2007

On Wuthering Heights

I encountered the story of Wuthering Heights for the first time last movie form.

I hate to admit it but I have never before read the story and almost wish that I could have avoided it completely. I had completely unsupportable expectations when I rented the movie from Blockbuster (thank goodness it was free) and all throughout the movie Mom and I wondered when things were going to turn around and get better.

Perhaps when I do read the book (which I still plan on doing) I will come away with a different impression but I'm not sure.

The thing that struck me the most about the story was its utter lack of hope save for a brief, very brief, glimpse at the very end. At every turn or change in the story the amount of hope left diminished by half (or something like that).

Both Mom and I wondered how people can love this story (I know people like that are out there and if you like the story I know that there must be a reason).

All I have to say is that the next movie I watch/book I read better have a happy ending. Wuthering Heights makes me want to run as fast as I can towards Pride and Predjudice. :D

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