Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bring on the vacation

While I technically have one more assignment/presentation left to give before I officially finish my master's degree I turned in the last "real" assignment this morning. It felt so good yesterday to finish typing that paper and e-mail it off to be printed.

God has been so good. Not only did he help me get through the boringness that was class this morning but he also kept me to one slice of pizza during the "celebration" lunch that the professor sprang for today.

He also helped me through finishing the BIggest Loser strength training DVD. I always feel like I want to skip it. I'll end up being okay. (That's what I tell myself at least.) I know though that I need to push through. Afterwards my body feels fantastic and I am so thankful that God helped me through.

As vacation approaches and I write more journal entries I hope to create more focused entries to hone my writing skills. (After all, that is ostensibly the purpose of this blog. :D)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Fresh start!

The summer is nearly here. Only one little paper aka final reflection stands between me and the end of an 11 month long journey to become a teacher.

I want to look back on this day as the start to a brilliant summer full of writing and reading.

Here's to hoping!