Tuesday, July 10, 2007

On frustration

I am an easily frustrated person. Anyone who has spend a decent amount of time with me (outside of work) knows this without a doubt.

Most often I become frustrated with time...something that is completely out of my control. I like having structure to my routine. I enjoy finishing things that I have to do as quickly as I can so that I can have as much free time as possible. I breathe a sigh of relief when I'm on time for work.

Just this afternoon a few things happened that if I hadn't taken a step back and several deep breaths would have freaked me out.

Yesterday morning my car wouldn't start. Everything was solved. Grandpa jumped my car and it worked fine...until this afternoon.

I came home during my lunch break so that I could work out (though the workout was abbreviated because I was so hot and exhausted from the heat) and when I got in my car to go back to work the car wouldn't start.

Thankfully Daniel was over because he'd just cut the grass so he took me to work. Mom and Grandpa are taking my car to some place (the name escapes me at the moment) tonight while I'm at work to get the battery checked out.

Then as Daniel was driving me over I realized that the key to the white van was no longer in my pants pocket. As of right now I do not know where it is.

I arrived back at Streetside starting to get a little frazzled because I had five pick ups to do and potentially no way of doing them and even if there was a spare van key lying around I had to use up precious time to find it.

I won't bore you and relate every detail of my route this afternoon but I will tell you the breaking point. That occurred when I got up stairs in one of the cardiology offices that I picked up at and saw six longs (the pans we use) displayed on the table. This eating area was upstairs and I had to go down a hallway with a cart as well. I started to freak out then, especially when I noticed that a couple of the holder things were our spares (and last resorts) and would not fit with the others.

I had to take a step back at that point and pray that God would give me grace to finish my pick ups and everything I had to do before I sent to my other job.

I wondered at first what God was trying to teach me. I think I know now.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Sometimes I wish God would chose another way to teach me the valuable lessons I need, but He is God, so...