Wednesday, December 13, 2006

On beginning

I sincerely apologize to my non-existent readers for my lack of posts. Hah. Actually, I apologize to myself. Never mind that train of thought. How about that for an odd beginning.

Christmas break has officially begun and I have grand plans for my time. I am determined to make good use of my time and not waste it by sitting around and vegging or some other form of that such thing. I've made myself a to do list and hopefully that will motivate me to cross everything off that list.

I have several writing things listed including blog posts. I consider this a form of enhancing my writing... making it second nature. The other two things I have included are things that I usually avoid like a plague, things that separate a casual writer from a serious, dedicated author. I think you know what I mean. These things are editing Children of the King (Abby is still editing Memoirs... when she can find it) and plot and character brainstorming.

yes, these are things that I don't normally do but now I know that I need to after plugging through Nanowrimo without clear direction for my novel.

Now that I've gotten myself started on this journey, invisible readers, keep me accountable. :D


Em said...

Ah yes, to-do lists. I'm putting off making my own; I'm afraid that if I start writing goals down, I'm just going to ramp up my stress levels again and the point right now is to rest. It feels weird being a college graduate. :\ (And let's not talk about the stress of thinking about job hunting...ugh.)

Anyway, hope you're doing well!

From a not-so-invisible reader. :D

eva said...

Thanks :D
It's great to hear from you. I'm so happy that you've graduated!
The thought that I'm just a semester away is kind of scary so I don't let myself think about it too often. :D