Saturday, May 24, 2008

On... Rekindled by Tamera Alexander

I have found a new author that I love to read. As I have been adding books to my grand list and tentatively branching out and sampling the works of authors I had never even heard of before I find myself rewarded on at least 2 out of 3 bites.

The beginning of this book sets the stage for a flashback that takes up a quarter of the plot. I believe that Alexander could have done without the beginning few pages and made it a little more suspenseful for the reader, for me personally. I can see why Alexander structured the book in this way though.

I loved the idea of restoring the marriage. So many times people focus on winning the love the first time and the ending is either a proposal, a wedding, or the birth of a child. There's no talk of what happens ten years down the road. This is where that book takes place... ten years down the road when selfish thoughts, things left unsaid and unspeakable hurts of the past combined to create a wedge between husband and wife, a wedge that nearly kept them apart for ever even after a miraculous recovery.

I loved the book and will definitely be adding the rest of the series to my to be read pile.

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