Monday, September 24, 2007

On... All Good Gifts by Kathleen Morgan

I could predict the entire outcome of this story by the end of the second chapter. I have enjoyed other books by Kathleen Morgan but yet this one sours my taste.

The characters did not develop and in fact flipped back and forth between almost unbelievable extremes. The dialogue ventured into highly constructed areas...a source of great irritation for me.

The lessons that the main character learned didn't seem believable or actually, all that important.

I hate to seem like I'm complaining because I'm not. The book was simply comfortable "summer read".

(Hopefully these reviews will grow in length as I become more accustomed to writing them.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A good review is not about length, but rahter quality. I think this is an excellent review. I will steer clear of this title since the items you listed, would irritate me as well. Thanks for the review!