Sunday, September 16, 2007

On neighbors and Spiderman

My neighbors on the right, across the street, often have huge inflatable toys in their backyard for their children. At the moment a Spiderman pool is set up. The reason the pool stands out is because Spiderman himself sits on the edge, an inflatable Spiderman of course.

When I walked over to the sink to get water for my coffee I momentarily stopped and stared at the Spiderman because I wondered what that was across the street. (Even though Mom and I discovered this inflatable novelty last night)

Immediately my mind went to Build-a-bear where yesterday I saw one of their bears dressed up in a Spiderman cute because the snout distorted the shape of the mask.

Then I thought of a superhero movie where a costumed spiderman is running away from the trouble. I always laugh at that point.

From there my thoughts drifted to the relations we have with our neighbors.

My ideal situation would to be on friendly terms with the neighbors, taking over some cookies, borrowing a cup of sugar. Well, perhaps not as far as that but at least to a point beyond perhaps waving as you drive by.

Take for instance the neighbor to my right. I'm not sure how many people live there. At any given time three or four different cars (many regulars of course) sit in the driveway and so many faces go in and out of the door. They seem like a nice bunch of people though but I don't know them.

Hmm. Isn't it interesting where the brain leads?

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