Saturday, April 26, 2008

On Betrayed by Jeanette Windle

I absolutely love Jeanette Windle's books. I eagerly anticipate the next book never knowing when she'll come out with another one. I didn't even know that this book had been published until I found some reviews of it while I was on a book purchasing spree. :D

Windle utilizes her background as a missionary kid growing up in Latin America as an excellent base for her novels. I have such a heart for Latin America that I took to her books as soon as I read Firestorm I knew nothing about her when I picked up that book from the shelf but the cover looked great and the synopsis on the back set my mouth to watering.

I held my breath, figuratively, while I read this book because one of the reviews of Betrayed stated that the book was good even if it had a few plot turns that stretch the imagination... or believability. I kept on the look out for them and even though I found a couple things that seem like really big coincidences nothing that Windle used in this book seemed unusual for her style. I kind of like those seeming implausibilities and for Windle they certainly seem to work.

I have to admit that read the last page and kept wondering how things would work out to achieve that ending (which I wanted of course :D) and found myself very pleased with the way things unfolded. I hope that Windle uses the opening she created to write a sequel of some sort for this one. I like the characters and would like to see a little more romance between the Vicki and her man which shall remain nameless for those who want to read the book. (Giving away his name kind of ruins the plot twist... granted, it didn't for me but...)

I highly recommend this book. Two thumbs up!

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