Saturday, August 16, 2008

On... The Golden Dreams of Carlo Chuchio by Lloyd Alexander

Wow. Another excellent Lloyd Alexander book. I have to confess that I am writing this review a week after I read the book so I am a bit more fuzzy on the details than if I had written immediately post-read.

I remember eagerly scanning the shelves of the little library in my junior high for ever Alexander book that I could find. I have to admit that a few of Alexander's character names made their way into my own story that I wrote that year.

This book tells the journey of Carlo Chuchio, Chuchio being a nickname for a lazy bum, and his search for an immeasurable treasure. A lovable band forms around Carlo and in the end Carlo learns a lesson better than all the riches the world could ever offer.

Many of Alexander's books are like this but I still enjoy his writing and his clever wit expressed through at least one court jester like character in each story.

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