Thursday, November 29, 2007

On... The Johnstown Flood by David McCullough

Once again, a David McCullough book has not failed to satisfy. In other words, I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

I have heard of the great Johnstwon flood before but never any of the details. David McCullough brought the flood to life and several times I almost felt like wondering if I were reading a novel. McCullough weaves together the stories of many very interesting people in an almost flawless manner. Although it would have been interesting to learn about the individual stories of people that McCullough introduces into the story but that wouldn't have been the same. Instead McCullough tells the story... obviously enough... of the flood and the resevoir that held the flood waters.

What makes this story about an event different in my eyes is the fact that just like the Panama Canal in another McCullough book, is that the flood... the resevoir... becomes a character whose life story is being told. McCullough uses descriptions that are generally reserved for writers of fiction but he uses them in a manner that enhances the story without cutting back on the historicity of the information. I remember reading one description that I had to stop and read again. It was like eating a piece of good chocolate... the kind that doesn't go to one's waistline. :D

I look forward to reading about Teddy Roosevelt and Truman but those books are going to take a couple days to get through. :D

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