Saturday, November 24, 2007

On ... The Revelation and The Englisher by Beverly Lewis

The Revelation concludes a long, intertwining story that spanned five novels. I fell in love with these characters and greatly appreciated the chance to read three of the five books in the series within two days. :D In this book Lewis ponders the outcomes of long ago sins and mistakes of the characters, things that occurred in the first and second books in the series. I appreaciate a series like this because it takes the time to explore the outcome of choices. Often we can't see the outcome when we see the initial choice. Thus the saying "hindsight is 20/20". I admit that I scanned through the last twenty pages rather quickly to get into the restaurant where my family was eating breakfast this morning but I kind of already knew how the story was going to end (and read the little epilogue before I read the book. ;) )

The Englisher is the second in a three book series. I have already read the first and last in the series so this book simply filled in the gaps. I suppose that if I hadn't already read the conclusion I would desperately want to know if Zeke really did kill little Isaac all of those years ago and what was wrong with Zeke in the first place. Since I already know the outcome of all of those questions this book wans't as compelling as I think it would have been otherwise but I still enjoyed it. Beverly Lewis deals with subjects in this book that aren't pretty... spousal abuse, mental illness... and how these issues are handled in the Old Order Amish church. A very interesting read.

I can't wait to read more of Lewis' books. :D

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