Friday, December 21, 2007

Fall into Reading Wrap-up

Well, there's finally a new post at the top of my page. :D The reading challenge has ended and I feel quite successful.

I had to change the list from the initial list that I posted. I did not check to see if I could get all of the books from the library so some of the titles had to be changed because I was unable to get them. (I'm poor so buying them was not really an option... especially since I knew nothing about some of these books.) A few of the books I had to take off the list just a couple days ago because I'm still on the waiting list at the library with no chance to get it before yesterday.

I discovered a lot by reading the books on this list.

First, I discovered how much I do not like a few authors on my list. I remembered as soon as I read the first Gilbert Morris book on my list I remembered how absolutely pathetic his writing is. I won't belabor the point. The most disappointing find was my experience with all of the Lauraine Snelling books on the list. I once absolutely loved her books but I guess the years away from her writing have matured my tastes. Her style approached that of Morris'.

Second, I discovered several authors that I definitely want to read more of... namely Kahled Hossani. His book "A Thousand Splendid Suns" absolutely captivated me and was the best book I have read in a really long time... definitely well worth the wait at the library. I also thoroughly enjoyed the Lemony Snicket books but since I've read all of them so far I don't have anything to look forward to. :D

I'm already looking forward to the Spring Reading challenge. :D

1 comment:

Nise' said...

Great job. I have never been a fan of Morris either. I have been on the wait list forever at the Library for A Thousand Splendid Suns! So many have recommended it!