Monday, December 31, 2007

On... New Year's Resolutions and writing a post that isn't a book review

I have this vague feeling that one of my New Year's resolutions from last year had something to do with more blog posts but I can't be sure. Regardless, at different points throughout the year I have tried to increase my posting in order to work on my writing and making myself more disciplined... etc. (my New Year's resolution for 2007 is gradually coming back to me but I won't say anything definitive on it ;) )

When I joined the reading challenge(s) I used the posts I wrote for the reviews of the books I read as my way to increase posts. As a result for the past few months I have written posts about as informative about my life as not posting at all.

The funny thing is... I keep thinking in posts. I'll think of an idea that I could craft a brief few paragraphs about but I'll never get around to making it a post. That seems to happen to me a lot.

No. Writing more in my blog is not my New Year's Resolution... the three above paragraphs were just something I wanted to get off my chest... and the topic is somewhat related to my 2007 New Year's resolution.

Now, onto 2008. I'm actually pretty excited about this year. I don't know why but I think great things are going to happen in 2008. Perhaps it's the fact that 8 is an even number and a multiple of 4 (just an idiosyncrasy of mine).

About resolutions. I've made them before. I've avoided the common ones. Well, I should say that I've avoided declaring the common resolutions like getting fit and staying healthy. I kind of make those resolutions throughout the year. Usually, I forget the resolution part-way through the year and make other goals.

This year is different. I plan on keeping my New Year's Resolution in plain sight. This is my Resolution. I want to memorize more Scripture. I'm not setting a certain amount or time limits on the goal but that is my goal. I consider memorizing Scripture something important and a way that I want to grow in Christ.

Starting tomorrow I will be working on memorizing Psalm 119. It may take me the entire year to memorize it but I plan on working on it until I have the entire chapter memorized. (oh... I'm also trying to be healthy... start eating healthier and working out but that's not my resolution)

1 comment:

Eric said...

I avoid breaking my resolutions by not calling them Actually tonight I started writing out a list of goals I have for 2008. I typed them on the computer and am on my second page. With a list this long I can only reach one conclusion: I really need some work in my life...:D Since I know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, I am confident in the success of reaching my goals, as long as they are His goals as well. Ps. 119 is a good chapter to memorize and it probably will take awhile to memorize. Maybe I will memorize it as well and we can help each other.